The competition will be divided into two groups:
Group A: players aged 12 and above Group B: players under 12 years of age
The competition for Group A will be divided into two rounds with the following repertoire requirements:
Round one:
Any one movement from the Bach Violin Sonata or Suite unaccompanied.
The second movement from Mozart's Violin Concerto in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th or Mozart's Sinfonia.
Any one piece from the violin caprices of Rhodes, Dent (op.35), Wieniawski (op.10, op.18), Paganini, etc.
Round 2: Choose any one movement of a violin concerto from the Romantic period and later, except the slow movement. Or choose a large showpiece piece.
The repertoire requirements for Group B are as follows:
Choose any one violin practice piece.
One violin piece of your choice.
All competition pieces are limited to 15 minutes in length. The adjudicator has the right to stop the performance due to time constraints, but this will not affect the results. If the repertoire includes a piano concerto part, it must be accompanied by a piano.
The outstanding winners of the competition will have the chance to win the opportunity to perform at the Golden Hall in Vienna on August 4th.
The final interpretation of the competition belongs to the organizing committee of the competition.